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Faking Smiling JokeR.

Faking Smiling JokeR.

You know, I′ve got like kid
Trying to fake some Smiling JokeR.
He should take care to catch found me..
But escaping some book or amusing poker.

You know, I′ve got like slimly mad
Finding new pretty things in mine own.
Maybe some Smiling JokeR′s a thin to get
And I′m looking for absent breeze to flow.

You know, I′ve felt like sense free
Digging in shadows of tomorrow crowd..
Maybe Smiling JokeR′s just a thin of me.
Lasy watching TV password of him about.

You know, I′ve got like kid
Trying to fake some Smiling JokeR.
He should take care to catch found me..
But escaping some book or amusing poker.

24 октября 2007 мне нравится


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