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последний разговор

-I want to be with you too, I want dreadfully be with you, but the whole world is against us and we cannot stand it my friends
-No. World is not against!
I too awfully want it!
Trast me!
And tous the wirld to spit!
We his shall construct !!
Only be not silent!
-It bee difficult for us
-Who will interfere us?
-Whole world -it is to mush
It will be hard to bear is for both of us
You dont wont me?
-We strong together ? but the past taking you down
Your heart is occupied with a girl, it is not me
-It is fully occupied by you
-I know
-I want you
- You want not me
-Only you!!!
-Your thoughts are occupied by another girls
Who it ?
-I dont know , but i see this
You still lowe her , arrent you?
-O why you play with me?Both of us know that love is absurd
Everithing can happen , but it is meanly to play with leeving...............
06 января 2005 мне нравится




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